Zakat đź’· Your donations enable us to save lives đź‘Ą
“…and those in whose wealth there is a recognised right, for the needy and deprived”
Qur’an 70:24-5
We spend the funds on the first category of Zakat – the poor and needy.
It is also a right that the poor have over us.
“Those in whose wealth there is a recognised right for the needy and the poor.”(Qur’an 70:24-25)
Donate Your Zakat : Your donations enable us to save lives
Your Zakat has funded some of our crucial work with people and communities living in disaster and war zones: drought and famine-struck countries across The world and communities affected by conflict . Your generosity has enabled communities to build sustainable livelihoods in the face of climate change, and enabled better lives for vulnerable orphans and families across the globe.
Alhamdulillah, you have the power to transform people’s lives.
Give your zakat today!