Kashmir Crisis

Women and children are vulnerable individuals in Jummu Kashmir. More than 95,000 deaths in the most recent 70 years, the reason for 3 wars between two states Kashmir is the most clash zone on the planet. Kashmir is the world’s most vigorously involved and mobilised district. Kashmiris are experiencing their lives in dread of war consistently. This demonstration has caused pressure between local people, Indian armed forces and Pakistan. From that point forward the circumstance has deteriorated in Indian Occupied Kashmir and LOC zone of Azad Kashmir.


Under the United Nation’s guideline, Kashmir had an extraordinary status. It couldn’t be legitimately governed by India. Be that as it may, in August 2019 Indian government changed the status of Kashmir and forced its standard on the Kashmir. They removed away the essential rights from the neighborhood populace and political pioneers. Hayat aims to help them to defeat their horrendous encounters, to give them better wellbeing conditions and encourage all other compassionate assistance important for their well-being.The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Verily, the believers are like a structure, each one strengthening the other’. (Bukhari) for many years Kashmir has had a politically negative effect on the people of Kashmir. Ongoing check in time limitations have left families helpless and unfit to leave their homes or go to class. They are struggling to maintain a lifestyle of their own because of barriers that their politicians have left them in. Many vulnerable children are missing out on the most important time of their education. Markets are totally shut, people are not able to go out and shop what they need because of the fear that has been obstructing. correspondence between neighbors has been cut off and the paces of convenience, nourishment and transport have expanded fourfold. Without any indications of the check in time being lifted, occupants living in the Anantnag and Pulwama areas are currently confronting nourishment shortages.Give now to assist us with giving crisis nourishment, medication and rescue vehicle administrations to defenseless families in the most noticeably terrible influenced regions of Anantnag and Palwama.